Article Articulating foreign language writing development at the collegiate level: A curriculum-based approach

Maxim, Hiram H.
Thompson & Heinle
Maxim, H.H. (2004). Articulating foreign language writing development at the collegiate level: A curriculum-based approach. The American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators and Directors of Foreign Languages Programs (AAUSC), 78-93.
Full Record
In light of the well-documented structural and professional obstacles to developing articulated curricula in collegiate foreign language (FL) departments, in this chapter the author presents a procedural approach for overcoming these obstacles and implementing an integrated four-year undergraduate curriculum. Specifically, the approach consists of the following steps: the formulation of shared departmental goals, the establishment of a close linkage between language and content at all levels of instruction, a clear principle for organizing and sequencing the content, a consistent pedagogy for engaging the content, and a systematic approach for assessing the degree to which the curriculum meets its stated goals at all levels of instruction. To demonstrate the practical application of this approach, the author discusses the implementation of an articulated program for developing collegiate FL learners’ writing abilities within a recently revised and integrated undergraduate curriculum. Following a genre-based literacy orientation, the curriculum is able to establish a context for developing learners’ writing abilities across all four years of instruction. In addition, the implications of an articulated curriculum for the language program director are discussed.